Lose the Lies. Find Your Voice. Tell Your Story.

The Iconic Queen of Hip-Hop Soul, Mary J. Blige, has shaped our lives with music. She reminds us of the importance of self-love and the difficulty of living in a world where so many people are hurting. That’s why her words are so significant. She encourages us to lose the lies we have been told to believe about ourselves. One way she combats the lies in her own life is with daily statements like, “Mary, I love you, beautiful! I love you, gorgeous. Mary, you are a smart and talented woman!”

Mary’s message urges us to find our authentic self, the person we would be without the residue effects from the lies we have been told throughout our lives. With purpose and perseverance, we can begin to re-story our lives by using positive affirmations. Working through the lies we find truth that becomes our authentic voice. Your true voice used to tell your story may be instrumental to the betterment of your community! So go tell your story.

Effective Steps For Telling Your Story

When you know that your thoughts are important and helpful to others, you’re empowered to accept any imperfections you think you may have; they are insignificant. You are the perfect, authentic person to deliver your important message that only you can deliver. Begin to take some time to organize your thoughts on paper without fillers or unnecessary words or phrases.

When You’re Ready Speak to the Community

Start within your personal tribe. Place focus on your powerful message and not your insecurities. Leave the lies in the past. Breathe deeply, expand your posture, use a strong gait, push your shoulders back, and stand strong while holding your head proudly.

Make eye contact, take your time, pause between your points, and use silence as a strategy. When you finish telling your story, feel at peace with what you’ve shared. Know that it’s ok to accept feedback and remember to receive it as it’s intended. Most importantly, stay strong in your truth. And in no way, ever believe those lies again.

For further inspiration telling your authentic story use the notes below taken from the @abercrumbie All Dreamer Rise 21 Webinar:

  • Luck is what happens when opportunities meet preparation.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail, failure becomes an opportunity to reach your potential.
  • Now is our time to flourish.
  • Go where you are celebrated.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help, many people are willing to support you.
  • Speak up, call out bad behavior.
  • Take the grace and space you need to learn new things.
  • You will bring new eyes and ideas to the table.
  • You are responsible for understanding the outcomes of your behavior.
  • Don’t allow yourself to be undermined by letting others’ opinions get in your head.
  • Gracefully, elbow your way in the discussion room and be prepared to speak up when there is an opportunity.
  • Your voice is now more important than ever.

For Further Reading

Heitman, B., “MJB. ” Health Magazine, The Beauty Issue, October 2020, pg 86.
Lindley, J. King, “Use Your Words.”, Health Magazine, The Beauty Issue, October 2020, pg 80.

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