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Showing Progress Even When No Ones Sees It But You For many, obesity leaves us feeling tired and overwhelmed. We want to wake up with energy and feel attractive or at least be able to look in the mirror proudly loving the person we see. More importantly, we want to know we are healthy physically, … Read More

We, as Black women, are successful in many disciplines, and yet we remain one of the few demographic groups who must tirelessly advocate for appropriate care. When will it be our turn for access to consistent, high-quality health care? While there have been substantial advances in health care, there are a host of social and … Read More

Are you ready to meet your goals and fulfill your dreams? Do you want to improve your confidence or advance your credibility as a professional or community leader? Do you like standing out in a crowd of your peers? If you answered yes to any of these questions – then this is the article for you. Mind shifting — The act of altering your feelings, beliefs, ideas and abilities to influence your thoughts and actions. The mind … Read More

On this first day of Black History Month, we kick off this annual celebration to recognize the often-neglected achievements of Black Americans and the significant role we play in building America. While our achievements cannot be fully appreciated in a singular month, we acknowledge and celebrate the achievement of Black Women. Together, we are improving our mental, physical, … Read More