Celebrate National Women’s Month: 31 Empowering Ways

  1. Give your Shero a virtual hug. Give her a shout-out to let her know how much she matters. We cannot imagine how important that hug may mean. We are shouting to the rooftop that Renee Mahaffey Harris is a 2021 MLK Humanitarian recipient!
  2.  Speak your truth in Love. It is the truth that will set you free and the love will fill you with joy.
  3. Connect to your spiritual source for direction and purpose.
  4. Put some amount of money into savings each month — whatever you can afford even if it is just 2 or 3 dollars. Over time the little bit becomes significant. Just try it.
  5. If something is broken in your life, think about how you might fix it. You are awesome and deserve to be your best self.
  6. Strive to be your greatest self, but be content in the moment by accepting who you are today. Lady, you are beautiful!
  7. When you need a dose of wellness, listen to Black Girl in Om podcast.
  8. Make a point to say a few kind words to several people in your community who work hard for their living. The warm outcome will be good for you and others.
  9. Find a Black woman in your Community to become your mentor. The relationship may benefit both of you.
  10. Set SMART goals for your own personal growth, that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time measured. A must-do, right?
  11. Write your SMART Goals down. When they are written you are more accountable and focused. Great outcomes are coming.
  12. Demonstrate the love you have for someone if only by simply writing I Love You on a sticky note. Spread the Love!
  13. Have great sex with someone or with yourself. Watch Make Love Not Porn TV.
  14. Make healthy diet choices and exercise several times a week. (Consult with your doctors first.)
  15. Volunteer for a local charity. Your support will be appreciated.
  16. Remember to laugh and have fun. Laughter is healthy. Check out a funny movie.
  17. Rescue a Sister from an abusive situation with words of optimism. Your encouragement will provide hope.
  18. Become a dream encourager rather than a dream wrecker. Your positivity may evolve into great success. You will be happy when you inspire others to succeed.
  19. When a Sister is weak, be her rock by giving her a hand. She will return the favor.
  20. Remember the special days in your life and celebrate them. Include your yearly examinations as a special and important occasion.
  21. Think about your jewels of life and wear them wholeheartedly: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Selflessness.
  22. Plan a Body, Mind, and Soul Cleansing Weekend Retreat with a Sister. Be creative.
  23. Share your dreams with someone who has your back, once shared your dreams are more likely to happen. Go big, the potential impact is unlimited.
  24. Listen to yourself and others with both your ears and your heart. Try it, you will know why.
  25. Seek out local businesses owned by Black women and support them. We need your support.
  26. Buy and read books written by and about Black women. Buy art about and created by Black women.
  27. Watch movies created by Black women. Ava DuVernay and Regina King are two of many excellent examples of African American women who have done good work in the movies.
  28. When you are feeling stuck, listen to Girl Be Free podcast.
  29. Watch the movie, The United States vs Billie Holiday on HULU. It’s a story about Billie Holiday was used to racialize the use of drugs.  
  30. Watch She Did That on Netflix, a documentary exploring the passionate pursuit of Black women becoming entrepreneurs.
  31. Call or email your representatives about issues important to you.

Similarly posted by SheKnows.